
Telehealth services are offered virtually using a HIPAA-compliant platform called Simple Practice.

Initial Evaluation

The initial meeting lasts one hour. We will discuss the concerns that bring you in and what you are seeking in terms of treatment. At the end of that meeting, I will offer my initial impressions and recommendations. If we determine that I am the best provider to move forward with your treatment plan, we will schedule a follow up session. The next 1-2 sessions often focus on gathering additional information for assessment and planning. If we determine that another provider with different expertise would be a better fit, I will provide you with referrals and resources.

Individual Therapy

After the assessment phase is complete, we will discuss the treatment goals and plan. The frequency and length of individual sessions depends on the level of care recommended. Often individuals start with weekly visits and reduce session frequency over time. Sometimes it can be helpful to involve a significant other or family member in some of your sessions. 

Coping with BDD Groups

Periodically, a therapy group is offered for individuals who are in treatment for body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). The group runs for 60 minutes and includes the introduction of a topic related to BDD, discussion of personal coping experiences, and ends with goal setting. The purpose of the group is to connect with others with similar experiences and learn new concepts and skills to manage your BDD.